Saturday, December 26, 2009

How do you get perfect skin like the stars?

I am 13 and i dont have really clear skin and i am wondering how can i get great skin like celebs?|||airbrushing and a trowel full of foundation, add a professional makeup artist into the line and you%26#039;re all set.

Try drinking green tea, that%26#039;s supposes to be good, don%26#039;t use loads of products because it will get rid of your natural oils and make sure you remove makeup in the evening, also, try not to use foundation, instead use a mineral face powder as it isn%26#039;t as bad for your skin and lets it breath. I don%26#039;t use any foundation and only use st ive%26#039;s apricot face scrub once a day in the shower, my skin isn%26#039;t perfect %26quot;like the stars%26quot; but I can go out the house without powder on and still look fine, powder just makes it look better :p

Trust me on the mineral powder, get one that matches your skin tone, a good quality one and make it loose powder, apply it with a really big powder brush and try to get that good quality as well. Put concealor on the slight imperfections but that%26#039;s it, if you%26#039;re going out use a pan stick and dab it on to even skin tone but don%26#039;t use that everyday as it will only make your skin worse.

The best way to get good skin is eat fruit and veg, drink plenty of water and try green tea, improve your skin from the inside out, it isn%26#039;t instant but it will be better in the long run.

Besides, you%26#039;re only 13; your hormones are crazy at the moment and they can hugely impact the quality of your skin.|||The only way to look like the celebs is you have to have alot of money and to tell the truth the celebs dont even look like what you think.they have pounds and pounds of makeup on there face. Your face probally looks better then theirs..But to keep you skin clear drink lots of water and cleanse you face 2 times a day and your face should be clear in no time.|||Drink water,

But to tell you the truth, nobody can get the skin like them.

They%26#039;re usually airbrushed and fake.

But eat lots of fruit and drink tons of water,

that should help if you don%26#039;t like your skin.

If worse comes to worse,

you can talk to your doctor. ( Dermatologist.)|||well there%26#039;s isnt real.

they fix it all up on the computer,

but you can cleanse it and moisturize it everyday.

and do a mask once a week,

and when you feel a pimple cummin in, put a spot treament on it.

drink lot of water and eat healthy/exersice.|||The only way you can get skin like the stars is if you have an airbrush. celebs don%26#039;t have skin like they do on the red carpet!!!

but do wash your face in the morning and before you go to sleep


|||go to a doctor.

|||use a sunsreen when u go out.

go to thats their secret

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