Monday, April 26, 2010

How do I get my skin to get tighter after I have lost some weight?

I have recently lost 10 lbs and now I weigh about 110 lbs, but when I lay down on my side I have excess skin. I didn%26#039;t know only losing 10 lbs could leave excess skin. Is there any eating habits or work outs that I can do to get my skin to get tighter and to not sag anymore?|||cold showers do the trick. ;)|||Well it always helps to weight train to tone those areas, but the skin issue depends on how fast you lost it, your muscles and your age. If you lost it quickly, it will take some time for your skin to tighten up. If you are 40 and over, it may not go back and when you lose weight, you also lose muscle. If you also lost water instead of fat then the water weight will come back.|||weight training and yoga and pilates and you have sagging skin because either you only dieted and didn%26#039;t exercise or something.

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