Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What is the best anti-bacterial soaps to use for boils or skin absesses?

I get abscesses from sweating and bacteria. What should i do?|||Regular old Dove anti-bacterial soap should handle pretty well. Ive had this problem before. Teens often get em in the groin, buttock, and armpit area. Lather for 60 seconds, rinse, and repeat 3 times. Shower as often as possible (1-2 times a day should suffice). If regular dove anti-bacterial doesn%26#039;t help, there is a surgical grade soap/anti-bacterial that can be found over the counter called Hibiclens. Be careful with this stuff, it can dry your skin out pretty quickly, and you definitely dont need to use as much. If all else fails, see the doctor. You could have a systemic bacterial infection, or have a resistant form of cellulitis.

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