Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How can I prevent the skin on my fingertips from cracking in the cold?

I have dry skin and I use hand lotion, but I still have a problem with cracking skin and my hands don%26#039;t look as good as they used to when I was younger. I am 52.|||wear gloves when outdoors. every week give yourself an oil treatment: there are oily products for hands with large-grained salt it in. the granules help get rid of dead skin and the oil softens everything. don%26#039;t wash it off, just wipe your palms on your arms or legs to get full benefit of the oil.|||im a housekeeper and i just got over this. put some vaseline on your hands sleep with gloves or socks on your hands overnight. do it for as long as you need to. it really works.im 48

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