Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How can I protect my skin when swimming?

I%26#039;ve recently started swimming a few times a week and the skin on my face is a mess! It%26#039;s all red and blotchy and dry underneath where my goggles go.

What%26#039;s the best way to protect my skin from the chlorine?|||my sister was on the swim team and had that happen. what she did was even though she was inside when she swam she bought hypoallergenic sunscreen that was waterproof. So in other words it was like a lotion that was waterproof and would not clog any pores.|||A rash vest -- sold at surf shops -- protects you from the sun while avoiding the slick of suntan cream in the pool. It%26#039;s like a close-fitting lycra tee-shirt.|||maybe try some waterproof lotion that will not let the chlorine affect your skin..Idk I just dont think its really possible|||use oil-based vitamin E face creams

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